AlpineAire 7 Day Food Bundle


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AlpineAire 7 Day Food Bundle

SKU: FSA7 Category:

If you find that your emergency situation is going beyond a few days, it will be crucial that you have a more robust option for nutritious food for your family. Alpine Aire provides an efficient cook in the pouch selection of great-tasting and nutritious vegetarian and gluten-free meals. Adding more quantity and variety of long-term food options to your kit is always advisable.

The Alpine Aire 7 day kit is comprised of the following vegetarian and gluten-free ready meal pouches:

  • (7) AlpineAire Santa Fe Black Beans and Rice
  • (7) AlpineAire Rice and Beans Bowl with Vegetables
  • (7) AlpineAire Mountain Chili
Weight 9 lbs


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